Değişim Liderleri Derneği Kıvılcımlar Programı

14.03.2024 - 31.08.2024
Etik değerleri, sosyal sorumluluk bilinci ve öğrenme merakı olan üniversite öğrencisi genç kadınlar adına düzenlenir.


Gençlik Yakası - İletişim Ve Networking Webinarı

13.05.2024 - 17.05.2024
Bu webinarda; doğru iletişim kurma ve kariyer için network oluşturma üzerine bilgilendirmeler yapılacaktır.


Cımba Mba Program

15.04.2024 - 30.04.2024
The CIMBA MBA Program offers an American business education.


Gdn - Erte Kozmetik Yıldızları Projesi

19.04.2024 - 29.04.2024
Kozmetik Yıldızları Projesi Başvuruları Başladı!


Microfon Operasyon Mt (Online)

29.03.2024 - 14.04.2024
Microfon operasyon ve destek merkezi alanında yetiştirilmek üzere Operasyon MT aranmaktadır.


Aa Araştırma Bursları 2024-25

25.12.2023 - 31.03.2024
Anadolu Ajansı, AA’yı konu edinen yüksek lisans ve doktora tez çalışmalarını desteklemek üzere burs verecektir.


Gdn - Geleceğin Kimyası Projesi

14.03.2024 - 26.03.2024
Gençliğin Kimyası Projesi Yeni Dönem Başvuruları Başlıyor!


Fulbright Türkiye Doktora Bursu

29.01.2024 - 18.03.2024
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki üniversitelerde Doktora öğrenimi görmek isteyen adaylara yöneliktir.


Fulbright Türkiye Yüksek Lisans Bursu

29.01.2024 - 18.03.2024
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki üniversitelerde Yüksek Lisans eğitimi görmek isteyen adaylara yöneliktir.


Gazi Endüstri Topluluğu 20. Verimlilik Günleri ...

09.02.2024 - 06.03.2024
20. Verimlilik Günleri Yapay Zeka Konseptiyle Geliyor!


Gelecek Daha Net Gençlik Yakası Projesi

15.02.2024 - 04.03.2024
Depremden etkilenmiş lise ve üniversite öğrencileri için gerçekleşecek olan projedir.


Hacettepe Yapay Zeka Topluluğu Aı Club Ideathon...

06.02.2024 - 01.03.2024
Bu yarışma üniversite öğrencilerini yapay zeka teknolojileriyle buluşturuyor.


Robinson Research Institute - Phd Scholarship: ...

24.03.2023 - 01.03.2024
Applicants should have a degree equivalent to the 4-year Physics degree in New Zealand.


İtü Girişimcilik Kulübü Future Days

07.02.2024 - 29.02.2024
Future Days, öğrencileri sektörünün en önde gelen startup ve kurumsal devleriyle buluşturaran kariyer etkinliğidir.


Genz Talks Zirvesi

22.02.2024 - 26.02.2024
İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi İşletme Kulübü tarafından düzenlenecek GenZ Talks Zirvesi'dir


Ieee Marmara Cyber Security Days 24’

16.02.2024 - 21.02.2024
IEEE Marmara Kulübü'nün düzenlediği Cyber Security Days 24' zirvesidir.


İTÜ Mezunları Derneği Öğrenci Kulübü Different ...

05.02.2024 - 19.02.2024
İTÜ Mezunları Derneği Öğrenci Kulübü tarafından düzenlenen kariyer zirvesidir.


Anso Yüksek Lisans Ve Doktora Bursları

04.12.2023 - 15.02.2024
ANSO Genç Yetenekler Bursu , dünyanın her yerinden genç bilim insanlarını eğitmek ve yetiştirmek amacıyla verilir.


Pon Graduate Research Fellowships At Harvard Un...

11.04.2023 - 08.02.2024
The scholarship is offered for a Ph.D., Post Doc degree in the field of Negotiation and dispute resolution.


Karataş Vakfı Bursu

14.12.2023 - 31.01.2024
Karataş Vakfı'nın Ankara ilindeki lisans öğrencilerine vereceği burstur.


Altuğ Fonu Bursu

25.12.2023 - 14.01.2024
İstanbul’daki üniversitelerin yüksek lisans ve doktora programlarındaki öğrencilere verilecek olan araştırma bursudur.


Wellington Doctoral Submission Scholarship

24.03.2023 - 31.12.2023
The purpose of this scholarship is to enable doctoral candidates to fully concentrate on completing their thesis.


Maltepe Yazılım Zirvesi (Devfest On Campus)

25.12.2023 - 27.12.2023
Maltepe Üniversitesi Yazılım Zirvesi (Devfest on Campus) etkinliği.


DevFest'23 Malatya

05.12.2023 - 23.12.2023
DevFest 2023 Malatya, teknoloji tutkunlarını bir araya getiriyor!


Management Club AdVenture'23

13.12.2023 - 16.12.2023
Marmara Üniversitesi Management Club’tan renkli ve büyüleyici girişimcilik dünyasına yolculuk: Adventure Etkinliği


Odtü Mezunları Derneği Bursu

04.12.2023 - 15.12.2023
ODTÜ Mezunlar Derneği'nin ODTÜ öğrencilerine verecek olduğu karşılıksız burstur.


İtü Girişimcilik Zirvesi

30.11.2023 - 10.12.2023
İTÜ Girişimcilik Kulübü'nün “Klasikleşmiş tanımların dışında bir zirve” olarak tanımladıkları Girişimcilik Zirvesi.


Mehmet Zorlu Vakfı Depremzede Bursu

04.12.2023 - 10.12.2023
Mehmet Zorlu Vakfı 6 Şubat Kahramanmaraş deprem felaketinden etkilenen 100 öğrenciye burs verecek.


Harriet Munro Scholarship

04.04.2023 - 07.12.2023
This scholarship is offered for a bachelor's degree in the field of all subjects offered by the university.


Gazi Endüstri Topluluğu - 18. Kariyer Günleri '...

24.11.2023 - 04.12.2023
Gazi Endüstri Topluluğu, her yıl olduğu gibi bu yıl da kariyer dünyasına yön veren bir etkinlikle karşınızda!


Africa Scholarship

12.05.2023 - 01.12.2023
The University of Lincoln’s Africa Scholarship is aimed at supporting postgraduate-taught students from across Africa.


Jagdish Bhagwati Fellowship

26.04.2023 - 01.12.2023
The fellowship supports graduate students specializing in international trade.


Ahbap Coca-Cola Kız Kardeşim Yıldızlar Karması ...

02.11.2023 - 30.11.2023
Bu program, sanat, spor ve toplumsal fayda alanlarında aktif olarak faaliyet gösteren genç kadınlara destek sağlayacak.


Servicescape Scholarship

27.03.2023 - 30.11.2023
The contest is open to students who are attending or who will attend an accredited college, university, or trade school.


W R Lauder Memorial Scholarship İn Geology

24.03.2023 - 30.11.2023
The purpose of this scholarship is to support postgraduate students undertaking research in Geology.


Güsiad Bursu

02.11.2023 - 20.11.2023
GÜSİAD Derneğinin Gümüşhaneli yüksek öğrenim üniversite öğrencilerine vereceği burstur.


Therle Drake Postgraduate Scholarship

24.03.2023 - 15.11.2023
This Scholarship will be available annually and applications should be made by 15 November.


Türkiye Eğitim Ve Sağlık Araştırma Vakfı Bursu

02.11.2023 - 12.11.2023
Vakıf sağlık ve eğitim alanında öğrenim gören maddi yetersizlik içindeki öğrencilere burs vermektedir.


Marmara Üniversitesi Management Club Pioneer's ...

07.11.2023 - 08.11.2023
Marmara Üniversitesi Management Club "Pioneer's Perspective" etkinliğinin altıncısını düzenliyor.


Aldgate And Allhallows Foundation Scholarship

04.04.2023 - 07.11.2023
This scholarship is offered for a bachelor's degree in the field of All subjects offered by the university.


Tedxgaziuniversity "Pattern"

27.10.2023 - 04.11.2023
TEDxGaziUniversity’nin ikinci etkinliği “Pattern” teması ile 5 Kasım’da gerçekleşecek.


Rachael Westergaard Memorial Masters Scholarshi...

24.03.2023 - 01.11.2023
The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage students into the field of Geophysics.


Raye Freedman Scholarship İn Holocaust Related ...

24.03.2023 - 01.11.2023
The purpose of this scholarship is for any students wanting to further their studies.


Graduate Women Wellington - Masters By Thesis S...

21.03.2023 - 31.10.2023
This scholarship is offered to encourage postgraduate study by Women at masters.


Hope Foundation Scholarship For Research On Ageing

21.03.2023 - 24.10.2023
The aim of this scholarship is to provide funds for the financing of people conducting research on aging.


International Excellence Scholarship 2023/24

12.05.2023 - 20.10.2023
Brunel University London is pleased to offer a prestigious package of scholarships for International students.


Mesudiyeliler Vakfı Bursu

29.09.2023 - 16.10.2023
Burs, sosyal sorumluluk anlayışı çerçevesinde ailesinin desteği yetersiz olan öğrencilere karşılıksız olarak verilir.


Gelecek Daha Net - Gençlik Yakası Projesi

28.09.2023 - 15.10.2023
Depremden etkilenen gençler için kariyer destek programı Gençlik Yakası başlıyor.


Unf Presidential Scholarship

27.04.2023 - 15.10.2023
The University of North Florida is committed to helping students invest in their college education.


Türk Diş Hekimleri Birliği Burs Başvurusu

28.08.2023 - 12.10.2023
Diş Hekimi Fakültesi 1.sınıf öğrencileri için burs ilanıdır.


Okul Destek Derneği Ders Destek Programı

27.09.2023 - 11.10.2023
Okul Destek Derneği deprem bölgesinden olan 5, 6 ve 7. sınıf öğrencilerine ders imkanları sunacak.


İş Dünyası Vakfı Bursu

29.09.2023 - 06.10.2023
İş Dünyası Vakfı'nın Türkiye sınırlarındaki üniversitelerdeki lisans ve lisansüstü öğrencilerine vereceği burstur.


Mustafa Hasanoğlu Vakfı Öğrenci Bursu

29.09.2023 - 05.10.2023
Mustafa Hasanoğlu Vakfı'nın vakıf ve devlet üniversitelerinde okuyan lisans öğrencilerine vereceği burstur.


Lincoln University Doctoral Scholarships

23.04.2023 - 01.10.2023
Lincoln University Doctoral Scholarships are awarded for the purpose of supporting postgraduate study and research.


Anadolu Vakfı Burs Programı

01.09.2023 - 30.09.2023
Anadolu Vakfı''nın devlet okullarında ya da vakıf üniversitelerinde %100 burslu okuyan öğrencilere verdiği burstur.


İlk Sen Ol Gençlik Hareketi Derneği Bursu

14.09.2023 - 30.09.2023
Dernek tarafından Lisans, Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora öğrencilerine karşılıksız burs verilecek.


Mavera Eğitim Ve Sağlık Vakfı Bursu

22.09.2023 - 30.09.2023
Mavera Vakfı'nın lisans öğrencilerine vereceği karşılıksız burstur.


Rönesans Eğitim Vakfı Bursu

14.09.2023 - 30.09.2023
Türkiye’de, devlete ait bir yüksek öğretim kurumunda, lisans programlarında okuyan öğrencilere verilecek olan burstur.


Milyon Kadına Mentor Programı

29.09.2022 - 28.09.2023
Genç kadınları ve sektör liderlerini dijital bir platformda bir araya getirmeyi amaçlayan mentorluk programıdır.


Füsun Sayek Sağlık Ve Eğitim Geliştirme Derneği...

12.09.2023 - 25.09.2023
Bu burs ailesi veya kendisi depremden etkilenen yüksek öğretim öğrencilerine verilecektir.


Dokay Bursu

12.09.2023 - 20.09.2023
Burs 25 yaşından küçük devlet üniversitelerinde okuyan yüksek öğrenim öğrencilerine verilecek.


Sağlık Ve Sosyal Yardım Vakfı Burs Başvurusu

21.08.2023 - 20.09.2023
Tıp, Eczacılık, Hemşirelik, Diş Hekimliği ve Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Lisans öğrencilerine özel burs başvurusudur.


Sancaklar Vakfı Bursu

12.09.2023 - 18.09.2023
Ağırlıklı olarak Siirt doğumlu ya da Siirt'teki liselerden mezun olan öğrencilere verilecek olan burstur.


Lises Vakfı Bursu

12.09.2023 - 17.09.2023
Devlet üniversitesinde ya da Vakıf Üniversitesinde %100 burslu okuyan lisans öğrencilerine verilecek burstur.


Ahmet Çalık Vakfı Bursu

12.09.2023 - 15.09.2023
Vakıf başarılı ve yetenekli üniversite öğrencilerini burs ve yardımlarda desteklemeyi hedeflemektedir.


Değişim Liderleri Derneği Kıvılcımlar Programı

21.07.2023 - 15.09.2023
Kıvılcımlar Programı, genç kadınlar için “yaparak öğrenme” modeline dayalı, derin değişim yaratan bir programdır.


The Bob Savage Memorial Fund

19.04.2023 - 15.09.2023
The scholarship is offered for a Master, or Ph.D. degree in the field of Earth sciences.


Economics And Finance Placement Scholarship

05.04.2023 - 04.09.2023
This scholarship aims to support home students from the School of Economics and Finance.


Bachelor Of Information Technology Co-Operative...

20.05.2023 - 03.09.2023
The scholarship is offered for a bachelor's degree in the field of Information Technology.


Leverhulme Trade Charities Trust Postgraduate B...

04.04.2023 - 01.09.2023
A bursary of up to £5,000 a year is available towards the cost of a postgraduate degree.


Elevate: Boosting Women İn Stem Scholarship Pro...

26.04.2023 - 31.08.2023
The program will award up to 500 undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships to women in STEM.


Rapid Formations Entrepreneur Scholarship Progr...

13.04.2023 - 31.08.2023
The scholarship is offered to support undergraduate and postgraduate students.


The Statistical Science E. J. Gumbel Scholarship

20.05.2023 - 31.08.2023
The award is £3,100 in three equal termly installments per year of study and is tenable for the normal duration.


The Anne Rowling Clinic Regenerative Neurology ...

11.04.2023 - 21.08.2023
The scholarship is offered for a Masters's degree in the field of Stem Cells and Translational Neurology.


Strathclyde Business School Dean's Excellence A...

20.05.2023 - 20.08.2023
Strathclyde Business School is delighted to offer 'Dean's Excellence Awards for entry in 2023.


The Initiaıt Scholarship

12.05.2023 - 18.08.2023
The Academy of Information Technology is offering The initiAIT scholarship to undergraduate students.


Great Ormond Street Institute Of Child Health B...

04.04.2023 - 15.08.2023
This scholarship is offered for a Masters's degree in the field of Child Health.


Ytb - Lise Bitirme Başarı Bursu

12.07.2023 - 15.08.2023
Yurt dışında yaşayan gençlerimizden lise eğitimlerini başarılı olarak bitirenlere verilecek olan burstur.


Ytb - Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Üstün Başarı Bursu

12.07.2023 - 15.08.2023
Yurt dışındaki gençlerimizin başarılarını desteklemek için oluşturulmuş bir programdır.


Ytb - Tez Ve Araştırma Bursu

12.07.2023 - 15.08.2023
Yurt dışında yaşayan vatandaşlarımızın akademik çalışmalarını desteklemek amacıyla verilecek olan burstur.


Yazılım Test Ve Kalite Derneği Başarı Ve Eğitim...

04.07.2023 - 13.08.2023
Yazılım Test ve Kalite Derneği tarafından verilecek eğitim ve başarı bursudur.


Executive Dean's Master of Engineering Scholarship

03.02.2023 - 05.08.2023
This Scholarship is offered to International Students who can demonstrate academic achievement in the previous studies.


International Undergraduate Merit Scholarship

28.03.2023 - 05.08.2023
This Scholarship is offered to support applicants who can demonstrate high levels of academic achievement.


Angas Engineering Travel Scholarship

26.04.2023 - 04.08.2023
The scholarship is offered for a bachelor's degree in the field of Civil Engineering.


The Kevin Boushel Memorial Scholarship

14.02.2023 - 01.08.2023
The scholarship's objective is to support students with outgoing personality.


Vice Chancellor's Elite Scholarship

20.05.2023 - 01.08.2023
Our prestigious Vice Chancellor’s Elite Scholarships are awarded each year to a small group of outstanding applicants.


Vynka Hohnen Scholarship

20.05.2023 - 01.08.2023
The scholarship is offered for a High/Secondary School degree.


Chemical Engineering Pg Taught Entrance Scholar...

15.05.2023 - 31.07.2023
The scholarship is offered for a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering.


Eoin And Cliona Murphy Scholarships

17.05.2023 - 31.07.2023
Trinity College Dublin provides Eoin and Cliona Murphy Scholarships to students who have enrolled in a master's program


Philadelphia Injury Lawyers P.C. Essay Competit...

06.02.2023 - 31.07.2023
The Scholarship will be based on an essay competition with a topic focused on car accident law.


Ramsay Msc Bursary

12.05.2023 - 31.07.2023
The scholarship is offered for a Masters degree in the field of Computer Science.


Strathclyde Business School Masters Scholarship...

20.05.2023 - 31.07.2023
Strathclyde Business School is delighted to be able to offer a number of Masters's Scholarships for September 2023.


Uk-India Toefl Scholarship

09.05.2023 - 31.07.2023
Selected candidates will get a chance to win a grant of up to 2.4 Lakhs.


Bg Success Scholarships

14.02.2023 - 15.07.2023
This scholarship is provided by BG State University to students who have enrolled themselves in their university.


The Nestlé Scholarship For Women

28.04.2023 - 15.07.2023
The scholarship is offered for an MBA degree in the field of MBA courses offered by the institute.


Pfm Burrows Memorial Scholarship

21.03.2023 - 14.07.2023
The Scholarship is designed to assist a student who has completed their second year of study.


Aziz Foundation Scholarships For Postgraduate J...

11.04.2023 - 11.07.2023
The Scholarship is offered for a Masters's degree in Journalism.


Hayalime Ortak Ol Eğitim Bursu

05.06.2023 - 09.07.2023
Lise ve üniversite öğrencilerine fırsat eşitliğini desteklemek amacıyla burs verilecektir.


Undergraduate Great Start Scholarship

05.04.2023 - 07.07.2023
The scholarship is provided to support Home students with their maintenance costs during their studies.


The Dan Walker Journalism Scholarship

28.04.2023 - 06.07.2023
The scholarship is worth £10,000 to students starting a taught postgraduate course in journalism in 2023.


Dinah And Jessica Nichols Scholarship

28.03.2023 - 03.07.2023
Dinah and Jessica Nichols Scholarships are offered to students pursuing a master's degree in history.


Jenny And Peter Kingsland Scholarship

12.05.2023 - 01.07.2023
The University of Sussex is delighted to offer this scholarship of £5,000 to a woman applicant.


Massey University Mathematics Scholarship

05.04.2023 - 01.07.2023
The Massey University Mathematics Scholarship supports students who are interested in studying mathematics.


Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University Of Wellin...

17.03.2023 - 01.07.2023
These scholarships are awarded on academic merit and are open to New Zealand Maori students.


Arc Centre Of Excellence For Plant Energy Biolo...

09.05.2023 - 30.06.2023
The scholarship is offered for a bachelor's degree in the field of Biology.


Data Effects Research Internship Scholarship

08.05.2023 - 30.06.2023
The scholarship is offered for a Ph.D. in Sciences, Engineering, and Technology.


Fehl Music Scholarship

16.03.2023 - 30.06.2023
This scholarship supports current Music students at Te Herenga Waka–Victoria University of Wellington.


Lincoln University International Undergraduate ...

30.01.2023 - 30.06.2023
The International Undergraduate Scholarship was established to support International Students.


Phillip Vasyli Award, Royal College Of Podiatry...

21.04.2023 - 30.06.2023
The scholarship is offered for a Masters's degree in the field of Podiatric Sports Medicine.


Science Abroad Travelling Scholarships

19.04.2023 - 30.06.2023
This scholarship supports Ph.D. students in the Faculty of Science undertaking travel.


Tara Nirula Ish/Lcf Graduate Scholarship

28.04.2023 - 30.06.2023
The scholarship is a full tuition and residential scholarship open to Indian nationals.


Türkiye Kas Hastalıkları Derneği Gönüllü Formu

12.06.2023 - 30.06.2023
Türkiye Kas Hastalıkları Derneği Gönüllülerini arıyor.


University Of Glasgow Scholarships For Turkey A...

28.04.2023 - 30.06.2023
The University of Glasgow will offer scholarships to students from the earthquake zone.


International Research Center For Cultural Stud...

28.04.2023 - 26.06.2023
International Research Center for Cultural Studies is offering IFK Research Fellowships to all nationals.


Edgeworth Graduate Student Scholarship

27.03.2023 - 23.06.2023
Edgeworth Graduate Student Scholarship is provided by Maynooth University to students who have enrolled themselves.


Mental Health Economics Scholarship Competition

21.04.2023 - 23.06.2023
The scholarship is offered for a Masters's degree in the field of Mental Health.


International Undergraduate Commencing Scholarship

04.04.2023 - 19.06.2023
This scholarship is offered for a bachelor's degree in the field of Arts and Social Sciences.


University Of Greenwich Research Studentships A...

21.04.2023 - 19.06.2023
The university supports postgraduate research opportunities with a range of scholarships.


Humanities And Social Sciences International Un...

20.05.2023 - 18.06.2023
The scholarship aims to enable talented student-athletes.


Iss Scholarship Fund For Excellent Students

11.04.2023 - 15.06.2023
The objective of the scholarship is to support and encourage students enrolled to study at University.


Lse Executive Global Master’S İn Management

17.05.2023 - 15.06.2023
The scholarship aims to support individuals who are focused on making a lasting contribution to sustainability.


Tianjin University Scholarship For Chemical Eng...

21.04.2023 - 15.06.2023
The scholarship is offered for a bachelor's degree in the field of Chemical Engineering.


Leeds Masters Scholarships

27.03.2023 - 12.06.2023
This scholarship is offered for a Master's degree.


Margaret Cohan Research Scholarships

19.04.2023 - 12.06.2023
This scholarship supports honors or graduate criminology or psychology students.


Dr Helen Row-Zonta Rural Health Scholarship İn ...

20.05.2023 - 11.06.2023
The scholarship is offered for a Masters's degree in the field of Health and Medicine.


Manchester Master’S Bursary

05.04.2023 - 11.06.2023
The scholarship is offered for a Masters's degree in the field of All courses offered by the university.


Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarship

27.04.2023 - 09.06.2023
The scholarship is offered for Bachelor, or Masters's degrees in all subjects the university offers.


International Recruitment Office Scholarship

20.05.2023 - 09.06.2023
Bath Spa University provides funding opportunities for high-achieving students from outside the UK.


Edinburgh Global Online Learning Masters Schola...

08.05.2023 - 05.06.2023
The University of Edinburgh will offer twenty Masters's scholarships.


Gençlik Yakası Projesi

18.05.2023 - 05.06.2023
Depremden etkilenen gençler için kariyer destek programı Gençlik Yakası başlıyor.


Sydney Scholars India Scholarship Program

09.05.2023 - 04.06.2023
The scholarship is offered in the field of All courses offered by the university.


President's International Scholarship

14.02.2023 - 02.06.2023
This scholarship is designed as a recognition of the growing cost of studying at university.


Great Scholarships

28.04.2023 - 01.06.2023
Scholarships worth £11,000 towards postgraduate study


Latin American Academic Achievement Scholarship

16.03.2023 - 01.06.2023
The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage high-achieving, well-rounded Latin American international students.


Msc İn Management Of Ip Scholarships

17.05.2023 - 01.06.2023
The Queen Mary University of London is offering MSc Management Of Intellectual Property Scholarships.


Unite Foundation Scholarship At Queen Mary Univ...

28.03.2023 - 01.06.2023
This scholarship is offered for a bachelor's degree in the field of All courses offered by the university.


Aberystwyth University Global Wales Scholarship

19.04.2023 - 31.05.2023
The scholarship is worth £10,000 and is eligible for an applicant studying a Postgraduate Masters's course.


Asbestos.Com Scholarships

28.04.2023 - 31.05.2023
The scholarship is offered in the field of Awareness of Asbestos-related Cancers.


Chancellor's Scholarship

08.05.2023 - 31.05.2023
The scholarship is available to international postgraduate students.


Eur Excellence Scholarship

11.04.2023 - 31.05.2023
The Erasmus University Rotterdam is offering scholarships to pursue research masters at the University.


Global Wales Postgraduate Scholarship

11.04.2023 - 31.05.2023
The Scholarship is provided to students who have enrolled themselves in the postgraduate level course.


Leeds University Business School Accounting And...

27.03.2023 - 31.05.2023
This competition is open to international and home applicants. Four scholarships will be awarded.


Mac Robertson Postgraduate Travel Scholarship

20.05.2023 - 31.05.2023
The scholarship is offered for a Ph.D. degree in the field of All subjects offered by the universities.


Microplastic Honours Scholarship

21.04.2023 - 31.05.2023
The scholarship is offered for a bachelor's degree in the field of Microplastics Engineering.


Millennium Scholarship

08.05.2023 - 31.05.2023
This scholarship is available for international postgraduate students.


Oxford And Cambridge Society Of India Scholarship

17.05.2023 - 31.05.2023
The scholarship is a part-cost award for undergraduate, second undergraduate, and graduate studies.


Shirin Fozdar Scholarship

20.05.2023 - 31.05.2023
The scholarship is offered for a bachelor's degree in the field of All courses offered by the university.


Tianjin Government Scholarship

26.04.2023 - 31.05.2023
The scholarship is offered for Master's and Ph.D. degrees in the field of All subjects.


Uk And International Scholarships

13.05.2023 - 31.05.2023
The scholarship is offered for a Masters degree in the field of Internal Medicine.


Icas Foundation Awards For Accounting And Finance

19.04.2023 - 30.05.2023
The ICAS Foundation supports academically talented young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.


Randall Silcock Grant

20.05.2023 - 30.05.2023
The scholarship is offered in the field of Health and Medicine.


Elaine Etherton Scholarship

09.05.2023 - 29.05.2023
A cash award of £3,500 per year for three years of study for a student from the UK.


Extended Reality For Engineering And Architecture

20.05.2023 - 29.05.2023
The scholarship is offered in the field of Architecture, design and urban planning, Computer science, and IT.


Joseph Sleight Bursary

20.05.2023 - 29.05.2023
This Scholarship is a Philanthropic Higher Degree by Research, Grant.


Don And Lee Stammer Scholarship

27.04.2023 - 28.05.2023
The scholarship is offered for a bachelor's degree in all university subjects.


Okul Destek Derneği Yaz Okulu

11.05.2023 - 28.05.2023
Okul Destek Derneği deprem bölgesindeki 5. 6 ve 7. sınıf öğrencileri için ücretsiz çevrim içi yaz okulu düzenliyor.


The Geoffrey Blainey Scholarship For Honours İn...

11.04.2023 - 28.05.2023
The scholarship is open to students, accepted into the Economics honors program


Australian Rotary Health Phd Scholarship

19.04.2023 - 26.05.2023
The Scholarship is offered for a Ph.D. degree in the field of Health & Medicine.


Southampton Humanities Postgraduate Global Tale...

09.05.2023 - 26.05.2023
There are 20 scholarships available. The £5,000 off tuition fees is for the first year of study only.


International Student Scholarship

05.04.2023 - 23.05.2023
This scholarship is offered in the field of all courses offered by the university.


Uk Scholarship Programme

05.04.2023 - 23.05.2023
The scholarship is in the field of Film, television, or games.


George Osborne Research Scholarship

17.05.2023 - 22.05.2023
George Osborne Research Scholarship is offered for a Ph.D. degree in the field of Agriculture and animal sciences.


Keith Mackie Lucas Scholarship

13.05.2023 - 22.05.2023
The scholarship is offered for a Masters's degree in the field of Agriculture and Animal sciences.


University Of Liverpool Graduate Association Ho...

13.04.2023 - 22.05.2023
The scholarship is offered to promote educational exchange and academic research.


Schmidt Science Fellowship

17.05.2023 - 21.05.2023
The Schmidt Science Fellows program provides the world’s best-emerging scientists with new skills.


Aston University Ferguson Scholarship

30.01.2023 - 19.05.2023
£10,500 will be exclusively available to students from Africa and India for the 2023/24 academic year.


Kate Daw Travelling Art Prize

04.04.2023 - 19.05.2023
This scholarship is offered for a bachelor's degree in the field of performing and visual arts.


Rref Bursary At Henley Business School

19.04.2023 - 19.05.2023
The Reading Real Estate Foundation offers financial support to Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.


Wills Hall 101 Scholarship

23.04.2023 - 19.05.2023
Undergraduate applicants can apply for funding towards first-year accommodation in Wills Hall.


International Future Leaders Scholarship

09.05.2023 - 18.05.2023
Tuition fee reduction of £6,000 in the first year of study for students with international fee status.


Law Office Of Jae Lee Immigrant Student Scholar...

30.01.2023 - 18.05.2023
Law Office of Jae Lee has created a scholarship program that provides assistance to immigrants from low-income families.


Nottingham Developing Solutions Scholarships

01.02.2023 - 17.05.2023
This Scholarship is designed for international students who want to pursue a Master in the University of Nottingham.


Rotary Peace Fellowships

18.04.2023 - 15.05.2023
The scholarship is offered for a Masters's degree in conflict prevention and resolution.


Sussex Great Scholarship

27.04.2023 - 15.05.2023
Sussex GREAT Scholarship China is provided by the University of Sussex.


Christine And Ian Bolt Scholarship

08.02.2023 - 14.05.2023
Christine and Ian Bolt Scholarship is offered for PhD degree in the field of All courses offered at the university.


İş'te Balans Projesi

18.04.2023 - 08.05.2023
GDN ve OSS Derneği ortaklığıyla Otomotiv sektörüne gençlerin ilgisini arttırmak için İş’te Balans Projesi gerçekleşecek.


SOAS Master's Scholarships

27.03.2023 - 08.05.2023
The SOAS Masters Scholarships are designed to recognize applicants with outstanding academic achievements.


Gilt Akademi

02.05.2023 - 05.05.2023
GİLT Akademi kulübünün her yıl düzenlediği zirve etkinliğidir.


Medikal Teknolojiler Kulübü Medıvatıon Iv Zirvesi

26.04.2023 - 05.05.2023
Her yıl sağlık alanında çeşitli temalar ele alınan MEDIVATION zirvesinin bu yıl 4.sü düzenlenecek.



03.05.2023 - 05.05.2023
Türkiye’nin ilk ve en kapsamlı ebeveyn - uzman buluşma platformu olan MomTalks, bu yıl 7. etkinliğini gerçekleştirecek.


Research Training Program International (Rtpı) ...

23.04.2023 - 05.05.2023
This scholarship is for high-achieving international higher-degree research candidates.


Wintech Scholarship

05.04.2023 - 05.05.2023
This scholarship is available for the MSc Facade Engineering program.


Continual Learning For Environmental Data

16.03.2023 - 01.05.2023
This scholarship is for any student with the appropriate skill set seeking to create novel machine-learning algorithms.


Dilmah Tea International Study Award

14.02.2023 - 01.05.2023
Dilmah Tea employees and their immediate family members are encouraged to apply.


Kalisher Trust - Department Of Law Llm İn Crimi...

04.04.2023 - 01.05.2023
This scholarship is offered for a Master's degree in the field of Law.


Machine Learning For Streaming Data

16.03.2023 - 01.05.2023
This scholarship is for any student with the appropriate skill set.


Mishcon De Reya Scholarship

04.04.2023 - 01.05.2023
This scholarship is offered for a Masters's degree in the field of Law.


Norman Palmer Partial Scholarship

04.04.2023 - 01.05.2023
This scholarship is offered for a Masters's degree in the field of Business and Law.


Postgraduate International Excellence Scholarship

06.02.2023 - 01.05.2023
This scholarship is awarded in the form of a tuition fee waiver for the first year of a Masters's degree


The Big Bang Theory Graduate Fellowship

11.04.2023 - 01.05.2023
The scholarship is offered for Masters and Ph.D. degrees in STEM, Medical, Dental, and Public Health.


Computer Science And Engineering Scholarship

21.04.2023 - 30.04.2023
The scholarship is offered for a Masters's degree in the field of Computer Science & Engineering.


Efwa Women In Transition Scholarships

05.04.2023 - 30.04.2023
The scholarship is offered for a bachelor's degree in the field of Accounting.


Image Mba Scholarship

27.03.2023 - 30.04.2023
The objective of The Image MBA Scholarship is to support and encourage students with excellent academic merit.


Santander Universities Brighter Futures Grants

05.04.2023 - 30.04.2023
Santander Universities UK is offering 10 UWE Bristol students the opportunity to win £1000 each.


Elaine Etherton Scholarship

05.04.2023 - 28.04.2023
One scholarship is available to new undergraduate students in financial need.


Crv Ambreed Scholarship

19.04.2023 - 27.04.2023
The objective of the scholarship is to encourage students with excellent academic merit.


Bristol University Think Big Scholarships (Post...

30.01.2023 - 24.04.2023
Bristol University is investing £500,000 to help the brightest international students come to the University of Bristol.


Ucl Global Undergraduate Scholarships

01.02.2023 - 24.04.2023
The UCL Scholarship encourage international students from low income backgrounds to pursue studies at UCL.


Anne And Peggy Sleigh Bursaries

29.03.2023 - 23.04.2023
This award is for Home UK undergraduate female students who are intending to start studying physics or biology.


Black Futures Scholarship

29.03.2023 - 23.04.2023
This scholarship is for Black UK applicants, in their first year of undergraduate study.


Eileen Drummond And Sheila Anderson Law Bursary

29.03.2023 - 23.04.2023
Undergraduate students studying single honors Law from low-income backgrounds can apply for living cost bursaries.


Futures Scholarship

29.03.2023 - 23.04.2023
This scholarship is for UK applicants, toward their first year of undergraduate study and employability opportunities.


Chemistry Tercentenary Masters Scholarships

27.03.2023 - 20.04.2023
The University of Edinburgh is offering scholarships to International students to pursue a full-time MSc program.


Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence For Democ...

27.03.2023 - 17.04.2023
This scholarship is offered for a Master's degree in the field of Computer science and IT.


Basia Zaba Memorial Scholarship

29.03.2023 - 16.04.2023
This scholarship is offered for a Master's degree in the field of Demography & Health.


Mansfield Aders And Avebury Memorial Fund

04.04.2023 - 16.04.2023
This scholarship is offered for a Master's in Medical Entomology and Parasitology.


Wellcome Trust Master’S Studentship

29.03.2023 - 16.04.2023
This scholarship is offered for a Master's degree in the field of Public Health.


İlk Sen Ol Derneği Depremzede Bursu

06.04.2023 - 11.04.2023
Dernek deprem bölgesindeki Lisans, Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora öğrencilerine burs verecek.


Cumhuriyet Kadınları Derneği Depremzede Bursu

31.03.2023 - 10.04.2023
Cumhuriyet Kadınları Derneği Deprem Bölgesi Bursu lise ve üniversite öğrencilerine verilecektir.


Lokman Hekim Sağlık Vakfı Depremzede Bursu

04.04.2023 - 10.04.2023
100 Tıp Fakültesi öğrencisine burs desteği ve 150 Tıp Fakültesi öğrencisine bilgisayar desteği sağlanacaktır.


Esed Scholarships For Sustainable Energy Develo...

03.02.2023 - 07.04.2023
ESED program offers scholarships to approximately a dozen students every year.


Master Mind Scholarships

06.02.2023 - 06.04.2023
This scholarship is funded by the Government of Flanders to International Master's Students.


Global Leadership Scholarship

14.02.2023 - 03.04.2023
This scholarship seeks to continue Coe's support of making international education a priority.


Leeds Opportunity Research Scholarship

28.03.2023 - 03.04.2023
This scholarship is offered who are willing to pursue Postgraduate research in all subjects at the University.


Master's Excellence Scholarships

27.03.2023 - 03.04.2023
The Scholarships are each worth £3,000 and will be awarded in the form of a tuition fee discount.


Sports Scholarships At Maynooth University

27.03.2023 - 01.04.2023
The Sports Scholarships at Maynooth University are open to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.


Adrian Di Marco Women İn Software Development S...

06.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
The scholarship is valued at $10,000 per year, for up to three years.


Angelo South Pacific Postgraduate Scholarship İ...

15.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is open to Law graduates from the Pacific Islands with a first-class academic record.


Antarctic Research Centre 50Th Anniversary Scho...

17.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is funded by the Antarctic Research Centre to commemorate the Centre’s 50th Anniversary.


Asian Australian Foundation Scholarship - Postg...

06.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is open to Swinburne AGE students from diverse cultural backgrounds who have experienced disadvantages.


Asian Australian Foundation Scholarship - Under...

06.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
AAF is offering scholarships to Swinburne students from diverse cultural backgrounds who have experienced disadvantages.


Carsales Foundation Women İn Stem Scholarship

08.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
The scholarship is valued at $7,500 a year for up to 4 years.


Ceva Logistics Supply Chain Management Scholarship

08.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
The scholarship is valued at $7,000 per year, for up to two years.


Citipower, Powercor And United Energy Women İn ...

08.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
The scholarship is valued at $10,000 per year, for up to 3 years.


Claire Sorati Scholarship For Women

08.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This Scholarship aims to support female students from disadvantaged backgrounds to undertake tertiary education.


Dr Tuan Luu Scholarship For Women

08.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is established to support female students from disadvantaged backgrounds to continue their education.


Everyone Can Learn Python Scholarship

30.01.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship's aim is to enhance Python learning.


Fehl Charitable Trust (Fct) Scholarships

17.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is targeted at deserving New Zealand School of Music undergraduate students who are in financial need.


Freemasons Foundation Victoria Scholarship

08.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship provides $5,000 to one first-year commencing student who has experienced financial disadvantages.


Graduate Women Wellington - Ella C Wilson Music...

17.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
The award is to support students of the New Zealand School of Music who are enrolled in the BMus degree.


Greig Connell Memorial Scholarship

08.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is valued at $5,000 for one year only.


Hector Macaskill Memorial Scholarship

20.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship will assist Master's or PhD students undertaking a research degree in Information Studies.


Herbert Sutcliffe Hardship Scholarships

20.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is for students who are experiencing financial difficulties.


Inaugural Dean Of Health Sciences, Professor Ja...

08.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship will be awarded to a high-achieving postgraduate student, who has experienced disadvantages.


Indigenous Design Scholarship

08.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
The scholarship is valued at $3,000 and aims to support a Vocational Education or Higher Education design student.


Infrabuild Steel Scholarship

08.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
The scholarship is valued at $5,000 per year, for up to three years.


Infratec Scholarship For Maori, Pasifika And Wo...

20.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is for women students majoring in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.


International Aviation Womens Association Schol...

06.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
The scholarship is valued at US$5,000, and a free scholar membership is for a year only.


İstanbul Tabip Odası Deprem Bölgesi Bursu

08.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
Bu burs, depremden etkilenen Tıp öğrencilerine verilecek.


Jean Barry Scholarship For Women İn The Arts

08.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
The scholarship was established to support female Bachelor of Arts students to continue tertiary education.


Joan Mcpherson Welcome Scholarship

08.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship for asylum seekers was established in recognition of the hardships faced by people seeking asylum.


Ju-Fen Scholarship

08.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship supports Bachelor of Film and Television students from diverse cultural backgrounds.


Les and Sonia Andrews' Cultural Foundation Musi...

20.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
The aim of the Les and Sonia Andrews Cultural Foundation is to foster the talents of young New Zealand artists.


Luamanuvao Dame Winnie Laban?Pasifika Business ...

14.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is to support Pasifika students seeking postgraduate degrees in Business.


Margaret Nielsen Music Scholarship

14.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is to assist first-year BMus students majoring in Classical Musical Performance.


Nga Ara Matua Scholarship

14.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is to support a Ngati Tuwharetoa undergraduate student.


Publication Scholarship

14.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is for doctoral and master candidates who are preparing a manuscript for publication.


Stanley Liebich Memorial Scholarship

03.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is to support a student from a disadvantaged financial background articulating from Associate Degree.


Swafford Family Scholarship

14.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
The purpose of this scholarship is to acknowledge and support an outstanding student.


Tae Whakemua – Reaching Forward – The Johnson G...

14.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is funded by the Johnson Group, a public-sector recruitment specialist.


Te Atiawa O Te Waka-A-Maui Award

15.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
These awards look to support two students studying towards a Bachelor of Science.


Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University Of Wellin...

14.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
These scholarships are awarded on academic merit and are open to New Zealand Maori students.


Te Manawa O Te Ika A Maui Scholarship

14.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
This scholarship is for full-time undergraduate students at the Victoria University of Wellington.


Te Papa Scholarships: The Dame Cheryll Sotheran...

15.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
The Dame Cheryll Sotheran Memorial Scholarship will support a student to do a one-year full-time Master's.


Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board Postgraduate Schol...

15.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
The scholarship is to support a Ngati Tuwharetoa postgraduate student at the Victoria University of Wellington.


Vista Graduate Scholarships For Master Students

01.02.2023 - 31.03.2023
Vista Graduate Scholarship is provided to Master's Students by the University of York.


Wellington Historical and Early Settlers' Assoc...

15.03.2023 - 31.03.2023
The scholarship is open to students who intend to enroll in a BA, MA, or PhD related to New Zealand history.


Semra Enver Yücel Vakfı Depremzede Bursu

08.03.2023 - 27.03.2023
Eğitim yardımı anasınıfından lise 12. sınıfa kadar olan öğrencilere verilecek.


Odtü Verimlilik Topluluğu 23. Yönetim Ve Mühend...

17.03.2023 - 25.03.2023
Yönetim ve Mühendislik Günleri, Verimlilik Topluluğu tarafından düzenlenen bir seminer etkinliğidir.


Kahev Afet Fonu Depremzede Bursu

08.03.2023 - 24.03.2023
Bu burs KAHEV tarafından depremzede öğrencilere verilecektir.


Phd Scholarship - Research To Develop Better An...

15.02.2023 - 20.03.2023
This PhD research project will utilize preclinical models.


Akfen Holding Tikav Depremzede Bursu

08.03.2023 - 15.03.2023
Bu burs deprem bölgesinde ikamet eden 1.000 üniversite öğrencisine verilecek.


Ege Çağdaş Eğitim Vakfı Deprem Bursu

08.03.2023 - 15.03.2023
Burs depremden doğrudan etkilenen öğrencilerin eğitimlerine devam etmeleri amacıyla 16 ay boyunca verilecektir.


Therle Drake Postgraduate Scholarship

15.02.2023 - 15.03.2023
The Therle Drake Postgraduate Scholarship was established in 2013 via the Victoria University of Wellington Foundation.


Sağlık Ve Sosyal Yardım Vakfı Deprem Bölgesi Bursu

07.03.2023 - 10.03.2023
Sağlık Ve Sosyal Yardım Vakfı deprem bölgesindeki öğrencilere Karşılıksız 4 ay süre ile burs verecek.


Victoria Equity Grants For Students From Refuge...

15.02.2023 - 06.03.2023
These grants are to assist students from refugee backgrounds who experience financial challenges in undertaking study.


Continual Learning For Environmental Data

14.02.2023 - 01.03.2023
This scholarship is for any student seeking to create novel machine-learning algorithms.


Graduate Women Wellington - Phd Scholarship

14.02.2023 - 01.03.2023
GWW established this PhD scholarship to build knowledge and leadership to enhance the status of women in New Zealand.


Jeremy Bloomfield Memorial Scholarship

14.02.2023 - 01.03.2023
This scholarship will be available to Victoria University of Wellington research students.


Machine Learning For Streaming Data

14.02.2023 - 01.03.2023
This scholarship is for any student seeking to create novel semi-supervised learning algorithms for streaming data.


Ngati Koata Science Scholarship

14.02.2023 - 01.03.2023
Ngati Konata and Victoria University look to support the next generation of scientists through scholarship.


Sir Lloyd Geering Scholarship İn Religion

14.02.2023 - 01.03.2023
This scholarship has been established in honor of Sir Lloyd Geering to support students undertaking postgraduate study.


Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University Of Wellin...

14.02.2023 - 01.03.2023
These scholarships are awarded on academic merit and are open to New Zealand Maori students.


Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University Of Wellin...

14.02.2023 - 01.03.2023
This scholarship is awarded on academic merit and is open to New Zealand Maori students.


W.H. (Bill) Vaughan Trust Scholarship İn Mathem...

14.02.2023 - 01.03.2023
One scholarship is to be awarded annually to a student completing their final year at school.


Wmf Empowerment Through Education Scholarships ...

03.02.2023 - 01.03.2023
The Wells Mountain Foundation provides scholarships to international students to study in a neighboring country.


Bristol University Think Big Scholarships (Unde...

27.01.2023 - 27.02.2023
Bristol University is investing £500,000 to help the brightest international students come to the University of Bristol.


Engineering: Ukrı Epsrc Cdt Engd Scholarship At...

01.02.2023 - 17.02.2023
The scholarship is funded by Swansea University for master students.


George Alexander Foundation Scholarship

06.02.2023 - 17.02.2023
Each scholarship is valued at $8000 per year, for up to three years. There are 7 scholarships available.


Physics: Fully Funded Stfc And Swansea Universi...

01.02.2023 - 15.02.2023
This scholarship is funded by Swansea University for postgraduated Engineering students.


Science@Leuven Scholarships For International S...

03.02.2023 - 15.02.2023
This scholarship is for motivated and talented international students who are interested in participating in an master.


Asylum Seekers And Refugees Scholarship

30.01.2023 - 05.02.2023
Provides financial assistance for students undergraduate or postgraduate degree at Murdoch University.


Rise Challenge

26.12.2022 - 25.01.2023
Rise, fırsata ihtiyaç duyan parlak insanları bulan ve onları destekleyen bir programdır.


Kong Academy

14.12.2022 - 31.12.2022
KONG Academy 5. Yıl Başvuruları Başladı: Teknoloji ve girişimcilik odaklı eğitim programları!


Gençliğin Kimyası

12.12.2022 - 30.12.2022
Kimya sektöründe kariyer hedefleyen gençler için mentor ve eğitim programı


STÖ'ler için Temel Kaynak Geliştirme Atölyesi

19.12.2022 - 21.12.2022
Bilgi Sosyal Kuluçka Merkezi - Temel Kaynak Geliştirme Atölyesi


#Shemeansbusiness Programı Atölye Serileri

07.12.2022 - 12.12.2022
#SheMeansBusiness atölye serileri başlıyor!


Kadın Teknoloji Girişimcileri Akademisi

06.12.2022 - 12.12.2022
GİRVAK ve ÜNLÜ & Co işbirliğiyle Kadın Teknoloji Girişimcileri Akademisi başlıyor!


Veri Bilimi Ideathonu

31.10.2022 - 21.11.2022
Veri bilimi projelerini desteklemek üzere hayata geçirilen bir fikir maratonudur.


Mentoring Women İn Business

18.10.2022 - 21.10.2022
Bu program kadın girişimcileri desteklemek için onları dünyanın dört bir yanından erkek ve kadın mentorlarla eşleştirir.


Değişim Liderleri Derneği İletişim Ve Paydaş İl...

14.10.2022 - 17.10.2022
İletişim ve paydaş ilişkileri uzmanı iş ilanı.


Milyon Kadına Mentor Tanıtım Toplantısı

28.09.2022 - 30.09.2022
Genç kadınları ve sektör liderlerini bir araya getirmeyi amaçlayan mentorluk programının tanıtım toplantısıdır.
